
The Unofficial (& Uncondonable) Official ZARDOZ song

o~ Somewhere over the raindbow... Giant heads fly...
Sean Connery with moustache and diapers... White folk wish to die... ~o

Can some one please do the overdubbing of the video of karl rove's latest crime against humanity's decency* with the song "my humps" already? Fergie is almost ugly enough to be Rove as it is, though fergie at least meant "all the boys want to sex me" in the sense of them actually having sex with her (and anyone who still thinks that men don't fuck women because of their money, I give you fergie) - rather than in Rove's case of boys trying to "sex" him inso far as having marine biologists trying out various experimental techniques on his furry front fat flaps in an attempt to figure out a definate sex of some kind within his corpulent cold blooded species, or at the very least, detirmine if his species has a definitive sex or if they are asexually reproducing mold colonies that happen to look a bit like the bastard offspring between a dog, a hippo and a fish from the darkest chasms of the deep ocean (no offense to hideous looking pig-dog-deep-sea-angler-fish hybrids, we know y'all actually understand the difference between right and wrong, unlike karl rove).

* Though I have to admit the comment that reads; "At last, a real gangsta layin it down" made me snort laugh something chronic...

1 comment:

R. Mildred said...

She's technically on the cusp between minging and meh, however as everyone knows there's nothing more ugly than a person of mediocre appearance going on and on about how fucking attractive they are.

Nothing can turn even teh most attractive person ugly like them being conceited assholes with no apparent talents or skills.

Which is why Atrios mings with less mercy than ming the merciless himself, and why fergie was actually smuggled out of iraq prior to the war to make the bush administration look bad and to wage psychological warfare against the great american satan.

Fergie is also the only crap pop artist who is actually not allowed to be an astronaut on account of her singing actually constituting a violation to the UN treaties governing the use of weapons of mass destruction in space.

Well, her and the modern liche versions of metallica, but they also breach the "international bringing crap artists back to treaty of 1994" that has kept the constructavists in the ground so successfully, so it's not really as impressive.