
What a fucking fuckwit

Comment I just left over at Gilliard's place:

Here's a douchebag mark, in case your mirror breaks.

Darlings, forgive the stupid question but what is the significance of that enormous cat?

It's a metaphor for the great belly rub Gilliard and Kos and the rest of the vici-left want for predicting some of the most insanely easily predicted things in all of history, I predicted that much gilliard, Ashley, of the treatment of the same name, predicted that much, and if she could read this post of yours she'd give you an insanely non-plussed look as if to say "Well duh shit for brains, what do you want? A cookie?"

The New Left failed. It was only when people embraced political power did changes really happen. The "Internet left" empowers people to act on their own or with others, with no "leader" to direct them. One would think that real people power, not just the crap tossed about in meetings, would be exciting.

This would be failed in the sense of, no more segregation, no more vietnam war, an end to legalised rape, that sort of deeply successful failier then.

I'd check you dictionary mark, it seems to be broken.

Chris Bowers got millions of dollars to win races.

Woo! He got cash in hand, upfront! How wonderful to feel part of a giant cash funnel.

Does the idea of merging activist politics with this funnel so that people who actually do good, in the literal sense rather than this bizarre metaphorical sense of the word "do good" you're using here, not seem like a good thing? one might even say, a better thing, than just plain ignoring the people who are currently dying while those New Wave Lefties in

Or is that pesky dem paycheck disrupting your thinking there?

Stussel might as well have just dropped one on the dinner table, and you're defending it? Jeezus.

You should remind people how the Panthers devolved into drug-dealing gangsters.

My jaw dropped at this, the hell? So they descended into pro-segregationist nutjobs (get your fucking slurs straight ffs) and this invalidates what tehy actually achieved prior to that descent... how exactly?

Mein Gott, your whole defense for Stoller's peice is just ad hominem bullshit after ad hominem bullshit aimed at this vast and disjointed, which means that it's not at all a homogenous group I might add (in fact it was routinely heterogenous), y'all are cramming together and treating like a homogenous unit, and this you call an arguement?

Who's going to listen to that?

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